When was the company founded?

We started our business in December 2006 in the United States, and were founded as a company on April 2008 in Japan. Please see at "About Us/ History" for more information.

What does Solasia mean?

Please see at "Solasia at a Glance".

How many employees?

Please see at "Solasia at a Glance".

When is the fiscal year end?

December 31st

When does the company announce financial results?

Please see at "IR Calendar".

Where can I find the financial materials?

Please see at "Latest IR materials".

When did Soalsia list its shares on the Stock Exchanges?

March 2017 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers.

What is Solasia's securities code?

Solasia's securities code is 4597.

Where can I find some information about the major shareholders?

Please see at "Stock Information".

Which bank manages the shareholder registry?

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation